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The best choice for the profession of the future: education in practice, employment opportunities, solving real problems and a community of like-minded people.
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Student time is the best time to know yourself! Ufa State Oil Technical University allows you to plunge headlong into the world of endless discoveries, become leaders and innovators in the field of modern science, and get a prestigious profession.

The main task of university teachers is to help your self-realization in the profession, science, creativity, to create the most favorable conditions for identifying and developing your abilities and talents. You will be able to participate in international academic exchange programs, develop and implement your own business projects, conduct scientific research under the guidance of experienced scientists, study disciplines in English and, of course, actively engage in creativity and sports.

If you are not afraid to challenge technology, if you are ready to fight for the right to live in the modern world the way you want it, then welcome! We are confident that the education you will receive at the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University will become a reliable foundation for your professional and personal growth.

Selection committee Undergraduate and Specialist PhD Master's degree SPO (College) Applicant's personal account USPTU partner schools Предуниверсарий Лицей УГНТУ УГНТУ и Гагарин-Центр