Main scientific directions

Table of contents

  • Equipment and technology of exploration, drilling and development of oil and gas fields
  • Operation of oil and gas transport and storage facilities
  • Oil and gas processing and use of hydrocarbon raw materials
  • Obtaining chemicals, reagents, reagents
  • Durability and corrosion resistance of petroleum equipment
  • Environmental protection and ecology
  • Enterprise management and planning
  • Architecture
  • New building materials and technologies for their application
  • Material and energy intensity of building structures
  • Hospitality and tourism
  • Textile and clothing technologies

Structural unit

Scientific fields


Institute of Oil and Gas Business

“Socially oriented management at oil and gas enterprises in the context of transformation” is a scientific direction that aims to form a practice-oriented student miner, taking into account the issues of motivation, career guidance and building a professional personal trajectory, involving the creative self-realization of the student's personality through the development of his intellectual, volitional qualities and creative abilities in production activities. The head of the direction is Doctor of Social Sciences, prof. Gaysina L.M.

Address: 450064, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, st. Cosmonauts 8, room 307


Phone: 8 (347) 243-19-58



“Economic and social policy of the state” - scientific direction, headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Malykh O.E. Within the framework of this scientific direction, theoretical and applied research is carried out with the aim of forming the fundamental basis for training specialists in the field of economics and management, whose competencies include understanding the logic of the development of the external and internal environment of the organization, the basic principles of implementing the economic and social policy of the state, as well as their influence on company policy in the national and global markets.

 "Accounting, analysis and audit" - a scientific direction headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Vanchukhina L.I. A distinctive feature of this scientific direction is the organic combination of theoretical and applied research aimed at forming the basis for training specialists of a qualitatively new level in the field of accounting, applied economic analysis and audit to work in organizations in the national and global markets.

“Mathematical methods of analysis in the digital economy”  is a scientific direction, the development of which at the INB is carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. Kantor O.G. Within the framework of this direction, methods and modeling tools for the study of technical and economic systems are being improved; using modern information technologies, the tasks of forecasting and management are solved, including taking into account risk factors and uncertainty.

Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute

The teachers of the institute carried out research work in the field of solving environmental problems, the production of building materials, the development of technology for producing film materials for heat receivers of high-power radiation, the creation of polymer and metal-polymer compositions, the study of polymer stabilization processes, the development of new plasticizers and biologically active substances. The α-DEG plasticizer has been put into production at CJSC Caustic.

The institute conducts scientific research in the following areas:

- study of the stress-strain state and performance of pipelines made of polyethylene, polypropylene and composite materials, 

- development of recommendations for the use of pipelines made of polymeric materials, development of a new type of pipes made of combined materials (biplastic, metal-plastic, flexible metal-polymer pipes).

As a result of research work, teachers of the Department of Applied and Natural Sciences received more than 60 patents and copyright certificates for inventions, diplomas and other awards; some of them: - Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the work "Synthesis and biological activity of derivatives of unsymmetrical triazinones-5". The authors are G. F. Aminova, E. A. Buylova, the supervisor is A. K. Mazitova. - Diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the work "Synthesis and biological activity of derivatives of unsymmetrical triazinones-5". The authors are G. F. Aminova, E. A. Buylova, the leader is A. K. Mazitova (Resolution of the Presidium of 01.22.2008). - Diplomas of the specialized exhibition “Construction. Communal economy. Energy Saving” for samples of biologically active derivatives of 1,2,4-triazinones. Authors - A. K. Mazitova, E. A. Buylova; for a PVC plasticizer sample. The authors are A. K. Mazitova, D. R. Galiyeva. - Diploma for 1st place in the Competition for the best scientific work young th scientists of universities and scientific institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the nomination "Technical Sciences" to Associate Professor of the Department Maskova A.R.

Scientific adviser: Professor Mazitova A.K.

Address: 450080, Ufa, st. Mendeleeva, 195, room 6-516


Phone: 8 (347) 228-25-11, 8 (347) 228-25-55



Faculty of Technology

Department of Oil and Gas Technology

Researchers of the Department of Oil and Gas Technology under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.G. Valyavina, V.P. Zaporina developed and implemented unique technologies for the processes of visbreaking and delayed coking.

 They are aimed at increasing productivity, improving the technology of processes, obtaining improved quality petroleum products, and increasing overhaul runs.

1. Visbreaking

1.1. Discrete vacuum distillation technology for visbreaking products with reduced residue yield. It allows to reduce the production of boiler fuel from 90% to 60%. At the same time, the quality of boiler fuel complies with the requirements of standards for fuel oil. Additionally obtained gas oil (about 30%) can be used as a feedstock for catalytic processes (patent No. 2217474). Implementation - OAO Novo-Ufimsky Refinery, OAO Ufimsky Refinery.

1.2. Visbreaking technology that reduces foaming in the fractionating equipment, which makes it possible to extend the turnaround time of the unit (Patent No. 2339675). Implementation - OAO "Ufimsky Refinery".

1.3. Production of bitumen from residues of paraffin oil processing using the process of tar visbreaking (Patent No. 2265639). Implementation - Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

2. Delayed coking

2.1. Delayed coking technology with a clearly adjustable recirculation ratio (from zero and above), which allows to ensure the maximum productivity of the plant in terms of raw materials, minimize energy costs, and produce two types of heavy coking gas oil (Patent No. 2209826). Implementation - Turkmenbashi KNP, productivity was increased from 450 thousand tons / year to 1 million tons / year. OAO Novo-Ufimsky Refinery, the capacity of UZK 21–10/300 (in operation since 1955) has been increased from 300 to 750 thousand tons/year.

For the first time in the last 25 years, Ufaneftekhim has built and put into operation a new ultrasonic testing unit with a capacity of 1.2 million tons per year. According to the UGNTU technology, all the latest advances in delayed coking technology were implemented in the project of this unit: the latest automation system, mechanization of opening and closing of lids, which excludes physical labor, a completely closed system for catching steaming and cooling products, reducing emissions into the atmosphere and reducing losses of oil products with waste waters, etc.

2.2. The technology of delayed coking makes it possible to simultaneously produce two types of coke, for example, needle and sulfur coke, on a two-block plant with four coking chambers (Patent No. 2314333).

2.3. Technology for the production of high-quality needle coke from various types of oil and coal raw materials (Patent No. 2224003). Implementation - Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries, Novo-Ufimsky Oil Refinery OJSC, LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka LLC.

2.4. A method for obtaining raw materials for carbon black with improved characteristics - with a high correlation index, lower viscosity and coking capacity (Patent No. 2054025). Implementation - LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka LLC.

2.5. A method for the production of coke with a high content of volatile substances for its subsequent use as a coking additive in the coking of coal - for cokes with a sulfur content of more than 3% (Patent No. 2296151). Implementation - OAO Novo-Ufimsky Refinery.

3. Antiseptic liquid ZhTK

Research on the development of compositions and technology for obtaining an oil antiseptic with improved sanitary-hygienic and environmental, operational and technical properties was started at the Department of Oil and Gas Technology under the guidance of Professor L.V. Dolmatov in 1993.

Specifications for a commercial oil antiseptic such as ZhTK were developed in 1997, 1999, 2002 and 2005. At present, an oil antiseptic of the ZhTK type is produced according to the technical specifications TU 0258–003–02069450–2005 “Antiseptic oil ZhTK. Specifications” and TU 0258–126–00148636–2002 “Liquid for impregnation of ZhTK sleepers. Specifications.

Practical use of the results of scientific developments began in 1997 and continues to this day.

Purpose: Oil antiseptic - ZhTK is designed to protect wood from biodegradation, in particular - to impregnate wooden railway sleepers andtransfer bars.

Technical characteristics: Oil antiseptic - ZhTK meets the requirements of TU 0258.003-02069450-2005 "Oil antiseptic - ZhTK" in terms of its technical parameters.

Benefits and components of the effect of using the ZhTK:

- oil antiseptic in terms of its toxic hazard for human exposure belongs to class 4 (low-dangerous). It is designed to replace highly toxic (hazard class 2 - highly hazardous) coal-tar sleeper impregnation oil (creosote), which is still used at Russian sleeper impregnation plants (ShPZ).

- the sanitary-hygienic and environmental situation at the ShPZ and adjacent territories is improving, as well as during the laying and disposal of sleepers;

- the likelihood of chronic diseases of the skin and upper respiratory tract among workers of the ShPZ is reduced;

- the probability of oncological diseases among ShPZ employees decreases.

There are Russian patents for inventions (18 Russian patents in total):

  • No. 2111851 "Antiseptic liquid for wood impregnation ZhTK-1". May 27, 1998;
  • No. 2146611 "Antiseptic liquid for wood impregnation ZhTK-2 (its variants)". March 20, 2000;
  • No. 2224644 "Antiseptic liquid for wood impregnation (its variants)". November 12, 2004 and others

The ZhTK antiseptic is produced on a pilot scale in the amount of 4-5 thousand tons per month and is successfully used at the ShPZ of Russia: Proninsky (Samara Region), Kharovsky (Vologda Region), Navlinsky (Bryansk Region), Orenburgsky (Kazakhstan). Orenburg), Reshotinsky (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Taishetsky (Irkutsk Region), Bogdanovichsky (Sverdlovsk Region), etc.

An environmental and economic calculation of the effectiveness of replacing coal sleeper impregnating oil with an oil antiseptic ZhTK and its use at the ShPZ of Russia showed an effect of 7196.23 million rubles.

4. Gasoline hydroisomerization process

Scientists of the Department of Oil and Gas Technology of UGNTU under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professors M.A. Tanatarova, A.F. Akhmetov and K.G. Abdulminev in the 70s of the last century substantiated the need to reduce the content of aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene, in motor gasoline. A technology has been proposed for producing gasolines with a benzene content of less than 1%, which leads to a decrease in the toxicity of gasoline and a decrease in the content of hydrocarbons and benzo(a)pyrene in exhaust gases. The RIGIZ process has been developed, the essence of which is as follows.

The reformat undergoes rectification with the release of the head n. to. - 85ºС and residual 85ºС - to. to. fractions. Faction n. k. - 85ºС, containing 22–25% aromatic hydrocarbons, including the main part (up to 85%) of benzene, undergoes hydroisomerization on a platinum catalyst. As a result, benzene is completely hydroisomerized with virtually no reduction in octane number. By mixing a hydroisomerizate with a residual fraction of 85ºС, a high-octane base component of motor gasoline with improved environmental performance is obtained.

Scientific foundations of the RIGIZ technology are used by foreign companies: technologies "Bensat", "Penex-Plast", "Alkimax" by UOP, FIN.

Work is underway under the Gazprom PJSC agreement.

Address: 450064, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, st. Cosmonauts, 1,  room 526


Tel./fax: 8 (347) 242-07-54





Department of Oil and Gas Technology


Address: 450064, Ufa, Cosmonauts 1, a. 1–556, 557.


Phone: 8 (347) 243-15-35, 8 (342) 242-07-12



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