Scientific competitions and grants


The Department of Scientific Research and Development invites scientific and pedagogical teams, scientists, employees and graduate students of departments to take part in competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, scientific foundations to seek financial support for their scientific developments, research of a fundamental and applied nature.

The list of the main sites where announcements are posted on the topics and conditions for holding competitions for the implementation of research works: – Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation - Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020 »

http://rnf.rf – Russian Science Foundation – Russian Foundation for Basic Research – Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation - Council on Grants of the President of the Russian Federation to support young Russian scientists and scientific schools. – Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere – Internet information channel about grants, funds and conferences – National Information Center for Science and Innovation

The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) starts accepting applications for the 2022 competition to support interdisciplinary projects.

As part of the project, the organization must conclude an agreement for the performance of research work with one or two legal entities, while the organization and partners must be located respectively in two or three regions of the Russian Federation that do not border each other.

Grants are allocated for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects selected based on the results of the competition, which provide for the conduct of interdisciplinary fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2022-2025 with a subsequent possible extension of the project implementation period for three years in the following areas of knowledge:

  1. Mathematics, computer science and systems science.
  2. Physics and space sciences.
  3. Chemistry and materials science
  4. Biology and life sciences.
  5. Basic research for medicine.
  6. Agricultural sciences.
  7. Earth sciences.
  8. Humanities and social sciences.
  9. Engineering sciences.

The project should be aimed at combining the efforts of already existing scientific groups, including the strengthening of interregional and international scientific ties.

Projects of research teams can take part in the competition, regardless of the position held by the head of the research team (project leader), his academic degree and citizenship, legal form and form of ownership of organizations with which the project leader and members of the research team are in labor or civil law relations.

The size of one grant in 2022 is from 4 to 7.5 million rubles, in subsequent years - from 8 to 15 million rubles annually.

Applications for the competition are submitted no later than 17:00 (Moscow time) on April 29, 2022 in the form of an electronic document through the Information and Analytical System of the Russian Science Foundation in accordance with the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on recognizing a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the contest will be summed up by July 11, 2022.

Detailed information about the competition and requirements for participants are presented in the "Competitions" section of the RSF official website.

Tender Notice

Tender documentation

Brief Regulations for Working with RSF Applications

State republican youth awards in the field of science and technology

From April 1 to July 1, 2022We are accepting documents for the competition of the State Republican Youth Prizes in the field of science and technology.

The following can be nominated for the State Republican Youth Prizes: scientists, university professors, graduate students, doctoral students, as well as specialists of the national economy, both individually and as part of a team of authors (no more than 5 people).

Applicants must not be older than 35.

Works that make a significant contribution to the development of the economy, social sphere and culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan are submitted for consideration by the commission.

Prizes in the field of science and technology are awarded for the development and introduction into production of new resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, progressive materials, machines and devices. The amount of the award from this year is 150 thousand rubles.

The results of scientific research nominated for state awards must be published in the press, with the exception of information that is a state secret.

The award was established in order to develop the scientific potential of the republic and encourage the most talented young scientists.

Reception of works is carried out until July 1, 2022 at the address: Ufa, st. Pushkina 95, room 323, Department for Support of Talented Youth and Youth Initiatives of the State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Youth Policy.

Contact person - Isangulova Diana Rayanovna, Leading Counsel, tel.: 8(347) 218-03-08, e-mail:

Contacts at UGNTU:
Head of UNIR (1-301) Kupavykh Vadim Andreevich, tel. 242-08-32, ext. 44-72.
Analyst of UNIR (1-302) Shayakhmetova Guzel Zavilevna, tel. 243-14-17, ext. 38-70,
Analyst of UNIR (1-322) Tugunov Pavel Mikhailovich, tel. 243-17-18, ext. 64-80,

Sample _candidate sheet
List of documents
Sample label for a folder

Acceptance of applications for the V Anniversary International Competition for Young Scientists "Oil and Gas Projects: A Look into the Future" is open

The competition was established by the International Business Congress (IBC) within the framework of the Committee "Modern technologies and promising projects of the oil and gas complex" together with the journal "Gas industry" (founder - Gazprom PJSC) in 2018. and is held annually.
The organizing partner of the event is the Russian Science Foundation.

The application must be submitted in English in electronic form through the competition website no later than May 10, 2022. (23:59) Moscow time. Participants: young scientists / research team of young scientists under the age of 35 from any country.

Application deadline: March 11 - May 10, 2022
Announcement of results: August 2022
Award ceremony: within the framework of the XI St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF-2022), September 13-16, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Research topics/nominations: applications are accepted in all areas of development of the oil and gas industry and are not limited to the following topics:

  1. Exploration and production of hydrocarbons, development of hard-to-recover reserves and unconventional sources of hydrocarbons.
  2. LNG, processing, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
  3. Offshore oil and gas fields.
  4. ESG: Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Energy, including Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCS/CCUS).
  5. IT solutions and digitalization, including artificial intelligence (AI) and unmanned technologies.
  6. New materials, designs and solutions for efficient production and transportation of hydrocarbons. International scientific cooperation and joint projects of young scientists from different countries and/or with the participation of foreign scientists are welcome.

Special nominations and prizes:

Partner of the nomination "New materials, designs and solutions for efficient production and transportation of hydrocarbons".
Prize: 3-4 month internship at the Research Center re TMK in Skolkovo with a visit to 2-3 factories of the company.

Special prize for achievements in science and innovation: 3-4-month internship at the Schlumberger Moscow Research Center.

Gas Industry Magazine
Special prize "Best scientific article" and/or "Scientific publications".
Free annual subscription and publication.

Awards include but are not limited to:
Promotion of the project in the scientific and business communities, including assistance in establishing contacts and developing scientific cooperation with universities, research institutes and centers and companies, primarily members of the IBC;
Internships in leading energy companies, primarily members of the IBC; Presentations by young scientists of their research at IBC committee meetings, scientific and industry events;
Fully paid trips to scientific events (forums, conferences) and short-term trips to specific laboratories or institutes to meet colleagues and establish and develop scientific cooperation;
Certificates, prizes and gifts.

All winners of the competition will be invited to take part in the Award Ceremony within the framework of the XI St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF-2022), September 13-16, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia and SPIGF events.

Requirements for participants:

  • a young scientist / research team of young scientists under the age of 35 from any country in the world.
  • A project leader or member of a research team who has made a significant contribution to the submitted research paper.
  • required: good command of English; approval of the head of the organization / company and a letter of support from the supervisor or supervisor.


  • Research should be directly related to the oil and gas industry and include innovative technologies and solutions.
  • types of scientific research: fundamental and applied.
  • Applications may include the results of completed projects, continue previous or ongoing research, or propose new research and/or applied solutions.
  • research can be focused on researching global issues and challenges, solving actual industry problems or developing new technologies or solutions, etc.
  • Projects must be submitted in English and submitted through the competition website.

All applications are reviewed by scientific and industry experts - experts in specific subject areas. The decision is made by the Jury based on the examination of applications and recommendations of experts.

Competition information
Additional information and support: + 7 (915) 419 8551 |
Competition announcement
Application Form

The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) begin accepting applications for the second joint competition of international scientific projects.

Earlier, 30 Russian-Chinese research teams have already been supported within the framework of the bilateral partnership.

Research by international research teams in all fields of knowledge from the Fund's classifier can take part in the competition.

Examination of the projects will be carried out by both the Russian and the Chinese side independently.

Only those teams that manage to get a positive assessment from experts from both countries will be able to count on funding.

The size of one grant from the Russian Science Foundation will be from 4 to 7 million rubles annually, and the three-year scientific projects themselves are planned for implementation in 2023–2025.

Grants are allocated for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects selected by the results of the competition, providing for the conduct of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2023-2025 in the following areas of knowledge:

  1. Mathematics, computer science and systems science.
  2. Physics and space sciences.
  3. Chemistry and materials science
  4. Biology and life sciences.
  5. Basic research for medicine.
  6. Agricultural sciences.
  7. Earth sciences.
  8. Humanities and social sciences.
  9. Engineering sciences.

Applications for the competition are submitted no later than 17:00 (Moscow time) on May 16, 2022 in the form of an electronic document through the Information and Analytical System of the Russian Science Foundation in accordance with the the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on the recognition of a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the contest will be summed up by October 31, 2022.

Detailed information about the competition and requirements for participants are presented in the "Competitions" section of the RSF official website: https://www.rscf. en/contests/.

Tender documentation
Joint Project Description Template
Grant Application Regulations

The Russian Science Foundation announces an open public competition for grants from the Foundation in the priority area of ​​activity of the Russian Science Foundation "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by international research teams."

The open public competition is held jointly with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research (hereinafter - BRFFR).

Grants are allocated for the implementation of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2023-2025 in the fields of knowledge specified in the competition documentation.

Projects of international research teams, each of which consists of a Russian research team and a foreign research team, can take part in the competition.

The Foundation's grants are provided to the Russian scientific team on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis based on the results of a competition on the terms provided for by the Foundation, through Russian scientific organizations, Russian educational organizations of higher education, international (interstate and intergovernmental) scientific organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which projects will be carried out (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

The BRFFR grant is provided to a foreign research team carrying out fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research on the conditions stipulated by the BRFFR.

The amount of one grant from the Foundation is from 4 (four) to 7 (seven) million rubles annually.

A necessary condition for granting a grant from the Foundation is that a foreign research team receives a grant from the BRFFR for the implementation of the project. Financing of the project at the expense of the Foundation's grant is terminated in case of termination of the project's financing at the expense of the BRFFR grant. The content and title of the project participating in the Foundation's competition must match the content and title of the project participating in the BRFFR competition.

The head of the Russian research team, in addition to the implementation of the project, can simultaneously additionally manage one project of the Foundation and participate in one project of the Foundation as an executor.

The organization and the foreign organization must submit, as part of the application for participation in this competition, a letter of consent to provide the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the implementation of the project, about the plans and deadlines for the work expected to be carried out within the framework of the project, about the procedure for using the results of intellectual activity, created by joint creative work in the process of implementing the project, about awareness of the requirements of the Foundation for the Russian scientific team.

The tender documentation also contains other restrictions on the submission of applications.

It is not allowed to submit to the Foundation a project similar in content to a project simultaneously submitted to competitions of the Foundation, other scientific foundations or organizations (other than those provided for by this competition documentation), or currently being implemented at the expense of funds or organizations, state (municipal) assignments, development programs financed from the federal budget. In cases of violation of these conditions, the Fund stops financing the project, regardless of the stage of its implementation, while simultaneously demanding from the recipient of the grant of the Fund the funds paid to him in the prescribed manner.

The condition for granting a grant is the obligation of the scientific team to make the results of their scientific research public domain by publishing them in peer-reviewed Russian and foreign scientific publications.

Other tender conditions are specified in the tender documentation.

The application for the competition is submitted no later than 17:00 (Moscow time) on May 23, 2022 in the form of an electronic document through the Fund's Information and Analytical System on the Internet information and telecommunication network at in accordance with the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on the recognition of a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the competition are approved by the Board of the Foundation by October 31, 2022 and posted on the Foundation's website on the Internet.
The full text of the tender documentation, the procedure for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects, the procedure for conducting the examination of scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects and the criteria for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects are published on the Foundation's website on the Internet on  www.rnf.rf and

Tender documentation
Grant Application Regulations

Grants for scientific research jointly with organizations of the BRICS countries in 2022-2024

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education announces a competitive selection for the provision of grants in the field of science in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to ensure the conduct of scientific research by Russian scientific organizations and universities together with organizations from the BRICS countries. The selection is public.

Grants are provided to Russian scientific organizations and (or) universities based on the results of selection for the implementation of bilateral or multilateral scientific and technical projects, including the conduct of applied scientific research as part of the implementation of the program of bilateral and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation.

The result of the grant is the implementation of the corresponding project within the time frame established by the plan for organizing and conducting selections for grants, developed by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The project should be aimed at conducting applied research in the agreed areas of the 5th coordinated competition within the framework of the BRICS multilateral research initiative:

  • transient astronomical phenomena, deep sky surveys;
  • antimicrobial resistance: technologies for diagnosis and treatment;
  • Big data modeling and analysis for advanced precision medicine and public health;
  • high-performance computing and big data for sustainable development: addressing large-scale environmental, climate and pollution challenges;
  • innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of photonics, nanophotonics and metamaterials to address issues of biomedicine, agriculture, food processing and energy;
  • materials science and nanotechnology to address environmental, climate change, agriculture, food and energy issues;
  • renewable energy including smart grid integration;
  • ocean and polar research;
  • water treatment technologies;
  • research in the field of aeronautics.

The indicators necessary to achieve the result of the grant are:

  • number of publications based on the results of the project in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and (or) Web of Science Core Collection databases;
  • the number of patents and (or) applications for a patent for an invention filed within the framework of the project and corresponding to the priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation;
  • The share of researchers under the age of 39 in the total number of employees of the organization directly involved in the implementation of the project;
  • The amount of funds raised by a foreign organization* for the implementation of the project, determined in accordance with the plan in the amount of at least 100% of the amount of the grant provided.

* In relation to this selection, a foreign organization should be understood as a legal entity established on the territory of a foreign state - a BRICS country, with which it is planned to conductno joint scientific research in the framework of ensuring the implementation of the program of bilateral and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation.

Foreign partners of the BRICS include: Brazil, India, China, South Africa.

The amount of the grant provided to the winning organization for a deadline of 3 years, starting from 2022, within one financial year is no more than 5 million rubles.

The number of grant agreements that the selection organizer is entitled to conclude based on the results of the selection, based on the maximum amount of one grant: not established (but not less than twelve).

Start of accepting applications from organizations - 9 hours 00 minutes. March 9, 2022 Moscow time up to 18 hours 00 min. Moscow time.

It is planned that research projects will be implemented in 2022-2024.

Access to interactive forms on the portal for registration of applications for participation in the selection, located on the Internet at:, for preparing applications for participation in the selection in electronic form will be opened on March 9 2022

The deadline for accepting applications from organizations is 18:00 Moscow time on April 15, 2022

Full information about competitive selection:

Contacts at UGNTU:

Head of UNIR (1-301) Kupavykh Vadim Andreevich, tel. 242-08-32, ext. 44-72.
General questions, indicators
Analyst of UNIR (1-302) Shayakhmetova Guzel Zavilevna, tel. 243-14-17, ext. 38-70,
Analyst of UNIR (1-322) Tugunov Pavel Mikhailovich, tel. 243-17-18, ext. 64-80,
RID indicators
Head of the department of patents and licenses (1-322) Rogacheva Olga Vladimirovna, tel. 243-17-18,
Financial issues (list of expenses, estimates)
Economist OFEP (1-211) Fayzullina Liliya Venirovna, tel. 243-16-78, ext. 43-92.


Announcement of an open public competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation for the event "Conducting initiative research by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of Research Projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists

The Russian Science Foundation announces an open public competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation under the event "Conducting initiative research by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of Research Projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists.

Grants are allocated for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research from the moment of summing up the results of the competition until June 30, 2024 in the fields of knowledge specified in the competition documentation.

Scientific research (project) should be aimed at solving specific problems within the framework of one of the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation defined in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.

Projects of researchers (hereinafter referred to as the project leader) up to the age of 33 inclusive at the time of the deadline for submitting the competitive application, who have a PhD degree, regardless of the position and citizenship of the researcher, organizational and legal form and form property of organizations with which he is in labor or civil law relations.

According to the results of the competition, grants are made available to project managers on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis on the terms provided by the Foundation, through Russian scientific organizations, Russian educational organizations of higher education, other Russian organizations, the constituent documents of which provide for the possibility of performing scientific research located in the territory Russian Federation international (interstate and intergovernmental) scientific organizations on the basis of which the projects will be implemented.

The size of one grant is up to 1.5 (One and a half) million rubles annually (until June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively). If the implementation of the project is associated with a change in the place of work of the project manager and his relocation to an organization located in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation that does not border on the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the place of work (main or part-time) and / or residence of the project manager is located at the time of the announcement competition, the grant amount is up to 2 (two) million rubles annually.

The project leader has the right, as leader, to submit only one project forparticipation in this competition. The number of projects that can be carried out on the basis of one organization is not limited. Other conditions of the competition are specified in the competition documentation.

The application for the competition is submitted no later than 17:00 (Moscow time) on March 10, 2022 in the form of an electronic document through the Information and Analytical System of the Foundation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" at in accordance with the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on the recognition of a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the competition are approved by the Board of the Foundation by July 11, 2022 and posted on the Foundation's website on the Internet. The full text of the tender documentation, the procedure for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects, the procedure for conducting the examination of scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects and the criteria for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects are published on the Foundation's website on the Internet on  www.rnf.rf and

Brief application rules


Tender documentation

The Russian Science Foundation announces an open public competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation under the event "Research by scientific groups led by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of Research Projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists.


Grants are allocated for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research from the moment of summing up the results of the competition until June 30, 2025, with a subsequent possible extension of the project implementation period by one or two years in the fields of knowledge specified in the competition documentation.

Scientific research (project) should be aimed at solving specific problems within the framework of one of the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation defined in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.

Projects of research teams led by candidates or doctors of sciences under the age of 35 inclusive at the time of the application deadline, regardless of the position occupied by the project leader, his academic degree and citizenship, organizational legal form and form of ownership of organizations can take part in the competition with whom the project manager and members of the research team have labor or civil legal relations.

Grants for the implementation of the project by the scientific team based on the results of the competition are provided to the project managers on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis on the terms provided by the Foundation, through Russian scientific organizations, Russian educational organizations of higher education, other Russian organizations, the constituent documents of which provide for the possibility of performing scientific research, international (interstate and intergovernmental) scientific organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which projects will be implemented.

The size of one grant is from 3 (Three) to 6 (Six) million rubles annually (until June 30, 2023, 2024 and 2025, respectively). Other conditions of the competition are specified in the competition documentation.

The application for the competition is submitted no later than 17:00 (Moscow time) on February 10, 2022 in the form of an electronic document through the Information and Analytical System of the Fund in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" at in accordance with the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on the recognition of a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the competition are approved by the Board of the Foundation by July 11, 2022 and posted on the Foundation's website on the Internet.

The full text of the tender documentation, the procedure for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects, the procedure for the examination of scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects and the criteria for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects are published on the website those of the Foundation on the Internet at www.rnf.rf and

Brief Application Rules


Tender documentation

Конкурсный отбор на назначение стипендии Президента Российской Федерации для аспирантов и адъюнктов, обучающихся по очной форме обучения

Кандидаты: аспиранты, обучающиеся по очной форме обучения в российских организациях, и проводящие научные исследования в рамках реализации приоритетов научно-технологического развития Российской Федерации, определенных в стратегии научно-технологического развития Российской Федерации.
Размер стипендии: 75 000 рублей ежемесячно. Назначение стипендии победителям конкурсного отбора осуществляется на срок от одного года до 4 лет.

Срок подачи заявки: до 4 апреля 16:00 по мск.
Критерии: Проводится оценка планируемого научного исследования, достижения аспиранта и его участие в научной (научно-исследовательской) деятельности, достижения научного руководителя и его результативность при руководстве аспирантами.
Конкурсная анкета содержит следующие сведения: 
•    сведения о соискателе стипендии 
•    описание научных достижений соискателя стипендии и его участия в научной (научно-исследовательской) деятельности, включая публикации в научных журналах и изданиях, результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, участие в конференциях и семинарах, общественное признание (премии, медали и другие награды) за последние 5 лет; 
•    сведения о научном руководителе;
•    индивидуальный план научной деятельности соискателя стипендии, включающий описание научного исследования; 
•     выписка из приказа о зачислении в аспирантуру;
•    выписка из приказа о назначении научного руководителя, содержащая фамилию, имя и отчество аспиранта (адъюнкта), фамилию, имя и отчество, ученую степень и звание научного руководителя, номер и дату приказа о назначении научного руководителя.
Для участия в конкурсном отборе соискатель стипендии и научный руководитель (научные руководители), кроме случаев представления заявки, содержащей сведения, составляющие государственную тайну: 
- должны пройти регистрацию на сайте Совета; 
- в личных кабинетах заполнить интерактивные формы, сформировать (подготовить) и загрузить необходимые документы; 
- завершить работу с заявкой в срок

Заявка заполняется на сайте:

Объявление о проведении конкурса

Конкурсная документация