Research work of students

For many years, the university has been successfully implementing a system of successive training of personnel, one of the main directions of which is student research work (SRW).

Traditionally, students' research work is divided into two blocks: research work, built into the educational process, and scientific research carried out outside the classroom under the guidance of professors and leading associate professors of all departments of the university. Considering that about 50% of the time allocated by the curricula for the study of disciplines is devoted to independent work, the departments of the University pay great attention to the methodological support of students' independent work. Educational and methodological complexes, topics of essays, term papers and recommendations for writing them have been prepared.

The general management of the organization of independent work of students is entrusted to the deans, who provide the necessary methodological assistance to students, especially first-year students, in the correct and rational planning of time, selection of necessary literature, as well as additional consultations.

The main forms of independent work of students include: the implementation of control, course and final qualifying (diploma) works (projects); preparation of abstracts, reports, communications; development of business games, questions for press conferences.

Methodological assistance in conducting independent work of students is provided by:

  • educational and methodological complexes developed by the departments of the University and containing methodological instructions for self-study of the course, a list of basic and additional literature, a list of topics for control, course and final qualifying (thesis) works (projects);
  • weekly consultations included in the schedule of each teacher, as well as additional consultations for part-time students, both on the main problems of the courses, and on issues that arise when writing tests and term papers.

The topics of graduation qualification (diploma) works (projects) are approved at the meetings of the departments. A special place in the student's independent work is occupied by the completion of the final qualifying (diploma) work (project), the permanent scientific supervision of which is carried out by the appointed teacher of the department in which the student specializes. The supervisor approves the plan of the final qualification (thesis) work (project) developed by the graduate, makes comments on sections (chapters), paragraphs, and prepares a review in writing. For each final qualifying (thesis) work (project), a reviewer is appointed, to whose comments and questions the graduate answers during the defense.

According to the decision of the Academic Council of USPTU on 22.22.2007, the Council of Young Scientists of USPTU was established within which students begin their research work from the first year of study at the University, performing it in the preparation of reports, abstracts, term papers and theses (projects).

The main goals of the Council of Young Scientists of USPTU in the field of research and development are:

  • formation of interest and need for scientific creativity among students of the University;
  • development of creative thinking, scientific independence, increasing internal organization, conscious attitude to future professional activities, deepening and consolidating the knowledge gained in the learning process.

The activities of the Council of Young Scientists of USPTU are organically connected with the educational process and the tasks of the University's research work, the practice of professional training and education of future specialists.

The main areas of research work performed outside the classroom are:

  • participation in the annual conferences of young scientists;
  • participation in university and all-Russian competitions of student scientific papers;
  • participation in university subject Olympiads and competitions in the specialty;
  • participation in city, all-Russian and international olympiads and competitions;
  • participation in grant competitions;
  • patent and invention activity;
  • participation in international and all-Russian forums, symposiums, conferences;
  • preparation and publication of scientific papers;
  • participation in economic contracts and state budget work of departments;
  • preparation of teaching aids.

In order to intensify research activities and increase the effectiveness of student scientific developments, the university annually conducts:

  • intra-university rounds of Olympiads in general scientific (general engineering) disciplines;
  • intra-university rounds of competitions for the best scientific work of students;
  • Abstract contest.

The result of the research activities of students at the university is the training of creative specialists, most of whom connect their lives with professional scientific activities, replenish and availability):

Rescue sailor

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Petroleum Technological University" (FGBOU VO "UGNTU").

UNPP "Soluni" - Nurimanovskiy district, Pavlovka village.


  • ensuring the safety of people on the water;
  • control the readiness of rescue equipment to provide prompt assistance to those in distress on the water;
  • keep order in the trusted territory.


  • good sports training;
  • punctuality, politeness;
  • presence of a medical book;
  • the presence of an identity.


  • work is temporary from 06/02/2021 to 08/25/2021;
  • flexible working hours;
  • free accommodation for the period of employment on the territory of the Soluni UNPE;
  • delivery to the place of work by the employer's transport;
  • social package.

Contact information:
Head of the polygon UNNP "Soluni"
Evgeniy Lutsenko
tel: 8-962-52-62-424

Account manager (call center) of ER-Telecom JSC

Part-time work is possible: shifts of 4-6 hours


  • literate speech, clear diction;
  • focus on achieving results;
  • sociability, goodwill.


  • timely payment of salary;
  • career opportunities;
  • discounts for using the company's services;
  • sales training from the best specialists that will be useful to you in the future;
  • work schedule (from 10:00 to 18:00);
  • a great team and the help of a mentor with a leader!

Contact information:

Evgenia, +7 (987) 1300685

B2B Sales Manager (SKB Kontur)

Kontur is a federal IT company. We create web services that save time, money and nerve cells for businessmen and their employees across the country. Our services help to quickly and conveniently submit reports to the state, exchange documents with counterparties, search for clients and check partners. We make these processes simple and fast, and services convenient for the client.

Now we are looking for an employee in whom we are ready to invest so that he can build his career in our company.

Tasks to perform:

  • call clients using a ready-made database - our managers do not search;
  • conduct online presentations so that customers can see how the service works and try it in action;
  • make deals and be glad that bonuses have no ceiling;
  • work with documents: maintain a database, execute all transactions in the database.

We'd love to have you on our team if you:

  • You speak and write well;
  • you know how to express your thoughts and negotiate;
  • you understand how to work with information - memorize, analyze;
  • care for details and complete tasks on time;
  • Experience in working with clients, experience in the IT field or experience in working with legal entities will be an advantage.


  • what is included here: salary + performance bonus + bonus based on sales results. The best department managers receive from 70,000 rubles;
  • corporate training is our thing. We have a Corporate University. We are ready to train everyone, even a beginner without work experience;
  • friendly team. Your future colleagues are active guys: they participate in intellectual games, go hiking;
  • large, bright two-story office with its own kitchen and table football;
  • Free yoga for employees twice a week.

Contact information:

Maistrenko Irina

+7 (800) 5001585

Seller  (Beeline sales offices)

What will you do:

  • sales of the Company's products and services that make people's lives easier and better;
  • advising clients and helping them solve a variety of problems.

You will have:

  • the opportunity to make great money: guaranteed salary + bonus!
  • fully official registration and payments;
  • introductory (with a scholarship for candidates without experience) and regular training;
  • special conditions for candidates with experience in the field of sales of telecom/IT services and products from six months - registration in the staff without an internship;
  • cool team and manager's help, active life: corporatepublic holidays, open communication with colleagues in the corporate network and in the real world;
  • open working environment: we act honestly and ethically both towards each other and towards our clients. Each employee follows the Code of Conduct, internal company rules and business ethics principles;
  • convenient place and work schedule (5/2, floating weekends, 2 shift options per day);
  • Additional benefits and bonuses from the company: VHI policy (including dentistry), discounts on the purchase of devices, corporate mobile communications and the Internet, and much more - you will see for yourself the quality of our services!
  • we believe in human capabilities and help to reveal them even to those who have no experience!

Contact Information

Anna Irkhina

+7 (919) 8970894 

Real estate manager (real estate operator "PERSPEKTIVA24")


  • REAL CAREER GROWTH: trainee → specialist → leading specialist → expert → head of department → director of sales department → deputy director → director;
  • three-story, comfortable office in the city center with parking for clients;
  • your own football team;
  • own volleyball team;
  • quarterly corporate events;
  • own TV program "Real Estate Prospects" on RBC, highlighting the trends in the Ufa real estate market;
  • TRAINING SYSTEM IN YOUR OWN TRAINING CENTER, which is carried out at the expense of the COMPANY.

We offer:

  • free training for realtors;
  • the possibility of unlimited income;
  • comfortable office in the city center;
  • legal support in the process of work;
  • real career growth;
  • Young, friendly and active team.

We want to see you:

  • self-confidence and focus on results;
  • the desire to become a highly qualified specialist to help people and the ability not to see obstacles (we will teach);
  • leadership and a real desire for change.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • consulting and negotiating with clients;
  • organization of viewings/displays of real estate objects;
  • preparation and support of transactions.

DECIDE! "Perspektiva24" WAITING FOR YOU!

Contact information:

Kutluyulova Lilia

+7 (987) 0545864

Evening Phone Operator (Multifunctional "Legal Center")

Part-time work is possible: shifts of 4-6 hours

Multifunctional Legal Center is a law firm with extensive experience in the most sought-after areas of law. We need a specialist to conduct the survey.


  • phone work: incoming and outgoing stream;
  • record and register for a meeting (without search and sales);
  • consulting clients (script work);
  • work in CRM (there is training).


  • clear and competent speech, stress resistance, diligence, communication skills;
  • confident PC user, fast learner;
  • desire to communicate.


  • part-time 5/2 (from 15:00 - 21:00);
  • registration under the Agreement;
  • FREE AND PAID training at a mentored training center;
  • stable salary (salary + bonuses), 2 times a month;
  • work in a modern and spacious office, in the city center;
  • participation in contests;
  • career opportunities.

Contact information:

Mikheeva Daria Valerievna

+7 (919) 1400620

Administrator at the reception at a car dealership (Bashkir Automobile Company LLC (BASHAVTOCOM))

Job Responsibilities:

  • receiving incoming calls;
  • outgoing calls;
  • greeting salon guests and creating a comfortable waiting time;
  • accounting for incoming traffic;
  • reporting (traffic).


  • secondary specialized education. We will consider candidates without work experience;
  • competent oral and written speech;
  • communication skills, diligence, responsibility, goodwill, non-conflict.


  • work schedule 2/2/3: from 9:00 to 21:00;
  • official registration, social package;
  • Primary place of work: DC Nissan - Salavat Yulaev Avenue, 89.

Contact information:

Usmanova Regina

+7 (347) 2921861 

Sushi chef, trainee (Fujiyama sushi delivery chain)

Dynamically developing network of restaurants

Научно-техническая конференция

Ежегодно в апреле, более 50 лет, в рамках «Дней студенческой науки», проводится научно-техническая конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых УГНТУ. Основная цель конференции - развитие науки, образования, культуры и активизация научной работы студентов. Основные мероприятия проводятся в структурных подразделениях УГНТУ. Доклады, представленные на этой конференции (в том числе в соавторстве с преподавателями), публикуются в университетском сборнике докладов. Помимо конференции кафедрами в этот период проводятся:

  • встречи и лекции ведущих специалистов и ученых по актуальным вопросам науки, техники, экономики, и т. д.;
  • участие в конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых других вузов;
  • дискуссии и диспуты, посвященные вопросам организации НИРС и научным проблемам;
  • выставки научно-технического и художественного творчества студентов;
  • олимпиады;
  • конкурсы;
  • викторины, круглые столы и пр.

По завершении конференции награждаются студенты, показавшие лучшие результаты, сделавшие лучшие доклады. Тезисы докладов публикуются в издаваемом сборнике.