Ufa State Oil Technical University is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. The university has the status of a regional flagship university in Russia, is a flagship university of PJSC GAZPROM, PJSC Sibur Holding, and a strategic partner of PJSC NK Rosneft. In 2020, the university won the competition and became a member of the League of Universities of Gazprom Neft PJSC.

In 2021, the university entered the Priority 2030 federal program and received a basic grant of 100 million rubles. USPTU also became the only oil and gas university in the country that received a special part of the grant in the direction of "Territorial and (or) sectoral leadership" in the framework of the "Priority 2030" program in the amount of 142 million rubles.

The university was founded in October 1948 on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Oil Institute named after I.M. Gubkin. Its rapid development, the construction of new buildings and the opening of new specialties was due to the growth of the oil industry in the west of Bashkiria and in Tatarstan. By the mid-sixties, the Ufimsk Oil Company had become an extensive educational structure that provided oil production and oil refining in the Ural-Volga region with qualified personnel. With the emergence of a new oil-producing region - West Siberian - the number of students has increased dramatically at the Ufa Oil Institute. By the beginning of the eighties of the XX century, the university was finally formed as an educational and scientific complex of the all-Union rank, acquiring the features of a technical university. In 1993, the university officially received the status of a university. In 2016, after the Ufa State University of Economics and Service joined USPTU, the university received the status of a flagship university in Russia, and then a flagship university of PJSC Gazprom. Over the years, USPTU has trained over 115,000 highly qualified specialists for all sectors of the fuel and energy, oil and gas and construction complex in Russia. The university has been successfully integrated into the system of international higher education and since 1996 has been a full member of the International Association of Universities (UIA). Representatives of 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and citizens of 52 states of near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Cuba, Vietnam, China, Tajikistan, etc.) study within the walls of the university. These are students of Russian language courses, students (engineers, bachelors, masters), graduate students and doctoral students. Currently, more than 1,300 foreign students are studying at the Ufa Oil Institute. The university is actively working to develop international activities, expanding the scope of international cooperation in the field of scientific and technical developments, actively exchanging students and teachers as part of the academic mobility program, and implementing a wide range of professional training and retraining programs for foreign specialists. Through the Association of Universities of Russia and Azerbaijan, a lot of work is being done to develop friendly and partnership relations, exchange experience in scientific research and introduce modern technologies in the field of education.


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