Science and innovation

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Fundamental and applied scientific research allowed USPTU to make a serious scientific breakthrough in modern technologies.
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USPTU is one of the largest technical universities in the Russian Federation, developing both research and development policy and policy in the field of innovation and commercialization of developments, which are priorities in the development strategy of the university.

Throughout its history, USPTU has made a serious scientific breakthrough in the technologies of geological research, drilling of wells, hydrocarbon production, transportation and storage of oil and gas, oil refining and petrochemicals, construction and engineering, while doing not only applied, but also fundamental scientific research.

The scientific groundwork of the university became the basis for winning the competition for the creation of world-class scientific centers "Rational development of liquid hydrocarbon reserves of the planet" in a consortium with Kazan Federal University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin and Skoltech.

On the basis of the University, the center for collective use "MCKP "Nedra" successfully operates. The main directions of the MCUC are the research of materials, the design and modeling of an electrophysical impact system, automated diagnostic complexes for non-destructive online monitoring of the state of petroleum products and monitoring the efficiency of technological processes, the development of software for the optimal selection and evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical reagents, which contributes to the implementation of projects in the market of youth satraps and enterprises of the real sector of the economy of the fuel and energy complex.

USPTU is one of the main participants in the world-class REC (Eurasian REC), implementing 5 out of 10 technological projects of the center. At the same time, two technological projects are assigned to the university as basic: technologies for the rational development of liquid hydrocarbons, technologies for the creation of new reagents and catalytic systems for petrochemicals and the fuel and energy complex.

In 2014, an engineering center with federal support was created at USPTU, which allows implementing projects in the direction: "Development, production and testing of oil and gas engineering products."

In cooperation with the strategic partners of the university, a whole pool of scientific and educational centers has been formed and is functioning: Rosneft - USPTU, Gazprom Neft - USPTU, centers of technological excellence in the areas of: hard-to-recover reserves, chemical network, robotics.

University employees annually participate and win in competitions for grants for scientific research from the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the President of the Russian Federation, and the President of the Republic of Belarus. Target programs for research and development are being implemented from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the funds of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

For the coming years, the main scientific frontiers of USPTU will be:

- synergy of innovative technologies for energy,
- chemistry of the new economy,
- new living environment and green industry.


Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work

Rabaev Ruslan Uralovich
tel.: 242-07-13
Ufa, st. Cosmonauts 1, room 301

Head of Research and Development Department (UNIR)

Kupavykh Vadim Andreevich
tel.: 242-08-32
Ufa, st. Cosmonauts 1, room 301

Head of Oil and Gas Engineering and Design Department (UNIP)

Baryshnikov Stanislav Nikolaevich
tel.: 242-08-17
Ufa, st. Cosmonauts 1, room 301


Директор департамента развития науки и технологического предпринимательства 

Рабаев Руслан Уралович
тел.: 242-07-13
г. Уфа, ул. Космонавтов 1, ауд. 301

Начальник управления научных исследований и разработок (УНИР)

Купавых Вадим Андреевич
тел.: 242-08-32
г. Уфа, ул. Космонавтов 1, ауд. 301

Директор инжинирингового центра УГНТУ

Барышников Станислав Николаевич
тел.: 242-08-17
г. Уфа, ул. Космонавтов 1, ауд. 301

Проректор по научной и инновационной работе 

Ибрагимов Ильдус Гамирович
тел.: 242-08-30
г. Уфа, ул. Космонавтов 1, ауд. 409











Орган по валидации и верификации парниковых газов УГНТУ Main scientific directions Scientific competitions and grants Conferences and symposiums State task in the field of scientific activity Scientific centers and laboratories of USPTU Отдел по работе с диссертационными советами Управление научных исследований и разработок Center for translation and promotion of publications Department of Patents and Licenses Федеральная инновационная площадка Small innovative enterprises Participation in technology platforms Young Scientists Council