Student office

Table of contents

Educational department

Zaichenko Nadezhda Viktorovna

head of department Transfer, reinstatement, expulsion, certificates of study, certificates of transfer and other issues related to student personnel 1-412 +7(347) 242-07-36
    Vacant public places 1-412 +7(347) 242-07-36
Lenara Askhatovna Patalova Deputy early educational department (student sector) Personal files, answers to inquiries, diplomas, certificates 1-408 +7(347) 243-19-79

Aigul Minnefavatovna Kalashnikova

deputy start training department for stipend

Scholarships, material support for students, nominal scholarships, etc. 1-414 +7(347) 243-11-79
Garayshina Gulnara Ravilievna MRM Specialist Orders on the movement and personnel of students 1-403 +7(347) 260-91-78
Kasimova Tatyana Vasilievna MRM Specialist State academic scholarship, orphans 1-403 +7(347) 260-91-78

Mirkhaidarova Gulnara Faritovna

MRM Specialist State social scholarship, company scholarships, disabled people 1-420b

+7(347) 260-98-86

Sedyuk Natalya Leonidovna MRM Specialist

Professional development of teaching staff, academic titles of teaching staff


+7(347) 242-09-12

Yuldasheva Svetlana Ilshatovna MRM Specialist UGNTU grants 1-414a +7(347) 242-09-12
Matuzova Marina Andreevna head of academic mobility Questions on academic mobility of students (within the Russian Federation) 1-420b


Chitakhyan Elvira Raisovna head of training and production practice Questions on the organization of student practice 1-410 +7(347) 243-19-37


Training department control room

Nedogarok Venera Fayzrakhmanovna head Schedule of classes SNF, INB, INITST, TF, IT-INSTITUT, HSE InSoTech, FTT, FZO 1-413

+7(347) 242-03-73

Rogozhina Olga Dmitrievna dispatcher ASI class schedule 5-235 +7(347) 228-26-55
Elvira Rasikhovna Chanysheva dispatching office of the IES PES class schedule 12-304

+7(347) 248-13-16


Department for educational work (UVR)

Glazkov Anton Sergeevich    boss  Educational work with students 1-300 +7(347) 2605824


Psychological service of OIA

Liliya Minigareevna Umutbayeva head Questions on providing psychological assistance to students 8-403 +7(347) 243-08-84


Department of International Relations

Kotova Ekaterina Anatolyevna head Interaction with foreign partners, incl. international academic mobility 1-340 +7(347) 242-07-31


UGNTU Career Center

Как перевестись в УГНТУ из другого ВУЗа Как перевестись в УГНТУ на другую специальность Как восстановиться в УГНТУ Как отчислиться из УГНТУ, чтобы перевестись в другой вуз Как взять академический отпуск в УГНТУ Как выйти из академического отпуска Как отчислиться из УГНТУ по собственному желанию Стипендиальное обеспечение Перевод с платного обучения на бюджет Как получить дубликат диплома и/или приложения к нему